Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sabres Beat Leafs....Again

The Buffalo Sabres managed to pull off yet another win over the on again, off again Maple Leafs. This one by a score of 4-1

The barage that that Maple Leafs sent Ryan Millers way in the first period, served only to apparently wake the Sabres up. Miller made several very good save to start the game when it looked alot like the Leafs where going to end up winning this game going away, just on adrenaline alone.

But, alas, t'was not to be. The Sabres scored 3 goals on rookie Justin Pogge in the first and added another in the third, sandwiched between the third goal in the first and the fourth goal in the third was the lone Leafs marker by Pavel Kubina.

The resident wonder kid Jason Blake managed to get yet another point by way of an assist on the Kubina goal.

The Leafs next action comes Thursday against the Columbus Blue Jackets, and as always, you can hear all the action, right here on Bench Brawl!

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